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Scott Moore


Where did you grow up and what was your first language?

I grew up in Essex, Vermont speaking English as my first language. 

What from your hometown do you wish you could find in New York City?

Sometimes: Autumn leaves, country roads, or maple syrup collected and boiled down by a neighbor.

Where did you go to college?

Yale College, Pace University, & The College of Saint Rose  

What was your favorite book in middle school?

The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman or Many Waters by Madeleine L'Engle


What is the best part of teaching at Hamilton Grange?

The best part of Hamilton Grange is its entire community of people; including students and staff who work relentlessly, are passionate about justice, and from whom I learn every day. 

What is your favorite thing to do when you are not teaching?

Reading novels; writing; going to the movies, live music performances, or sports events (especially basketball); taking long road trips; learning to play 90s pop songs on the guitar. 

What is your favorite quote?

"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced." - James Baldwin

"Work Hard, Get Smart.                Be Good, Change the World."

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